Building the Injection Machine V3.11
Injection Barrel Assembly
Required Tools
To complete this build you will need the following tools:
3mm Allen Key
2.5mm Allen Key
Small Philips Head Screwdriver (For Electronics)
Large Philips Head Screwdriver (PH2)
Building the Injection Barrel
Step 1
Take the black powder-coated injection barrel and place it on a flat surface.
Step 2
Take the black powder-coated hexagonal piece (the one with extra tabs) and slide that up the barrel until it reaches the slot.
Step 3
If you have these clamps in your kit please use these instead of the Pipe Clamps shown in the pictures in the following steps.
Step 4
Next, take the 4 heat bands and 2 pipe clamps. Taking time to check that each heat band has the appropriate voltage for your model. 220v or 110v.
Step 5
Remove the Allen bolt from each of the heat bands and slide the heat bands up the barrel. You may need to open the heat bands a little more to allow them to slide on the barrel. Note that the first 2 are in a different orientation than the 3rd and 4th.
While doing this place the pipe clamps between 2 & 3, and 3 & 4.
Heat Band 1 should be 6cm away from the slot. Heat Band 4 should be 4cm away from the barrel end.
Tighten the heat bands in place by reinserting and tightening the Bolts.
Important Note
If you are using these specific clamps, please skip to Step 13.
If you are using the old-style clamp please continue to Step 6
Step 6
Next, take the thermocouple cables. Pull the spring off the cable to reveal the crimped metal contact that holds the bolt point in place.
Step 7
Using pliers press this crimped piece, rounding off any raised edges. This will allow you to pull off the bolt. Pull this bolt along with the spring off the end of the cable.
Step 8
Then place the spring back over the tip of the sensor as shown.
Step 9
Next, remove the 2x screws from the Thermocouple connector to remove the cover. The loosen the remaining 2 screws to slide the tips of the green and red wires under.
Make sure that Red is located at the K point and Green is located at +.
Step 10
Then slide the heat shrink up the cable and heat with a lighter or heat gun. Making sure not to melt the plastic of the connector.
Step 11
Then ensuring no cables are trapped, place the cover back onto the connector, making sure not to over tighten the screws.
Step 12
Next, slip the metal tips under the pipe clamps. Tighten the pipe clamps in place ensuring the sensor is located as close to the heat band as possible. These need to be really tight and ensure there is no movement.
Please now skip to Step 17.
Step 13
Next, remove the 2x screws from the Thermocouple connector to remove the cover. The loosen the remaining 2 screws to slide the tips of the green and red wires under.
Make sure that Green is located at the K point and Red is located at +.
Step 14
Then slide the heat shrink up the cable and heat with a lighter or heat gun. Making sure not to melt the plastic of the connector.
Step 15
Then ensuring no cables are trapped, place the cover back onto the connector, making sure not to over tighten the screws.
Step 16
Next, screw in the opposite end of the thermocouple into place on the Pipe Clamps. These need to be adequately tight to ensure there is no movement in the future.
Step 17
Taking the Rockwool insulation and the black barrel cover, cut the Rockwool the length of the cover as show.
Step 18
Wrap the Rockwool around the barrel and slide the barrel into the housing as show. Making sure that the barrel remains covered on 3 of the 4 sides.
Step 19
Next add the final hexagon piece to the end, sliding the barrel through the center hole. Repeat for the top hexagon and ensure the barrel is properly aligned.
Step 20
Using the remaining Rockwool that you cut off earlier. Break it into sections, filling out the side that faces you. Making sure the heat band cables have a layer of insulation behind them. Everything should now be pointing up towards you and away from the barrel.
Step 21
Using the 3x 40cm 3 core cables connect the Blue Connectors, by separating them into 4 parts. Sliding the first 2 parts on before the next step.
Step 22
Slot the cables into the plug points. Brown to the left, Green in the center, and Blue to the right. Ensure these are tightly fitted. Then reassemble the plug.
Repeat these steps with the Yellow Plug and the 50cm wire.
Step 23
Take the opposite end of the 3 cables with the blue plugs and connect the Brown and Blue cables to the ceramic connections of the heat bands. The Blue plugs should be connected to the top 3 heat bands, and the Yellow plug should be connected to the heat band closest to the nozzle.
Remove the screw from each of the heat bands and place the Green cable with the red loop connection under the screw as shown.
Step 24
Your setup should look something like this at this point.
Step 25
Using electrical tape wrap the ceramic and first portion of the black cable. This will ensure no cable will come loose should the cables get pulled in the future.
Step 26
Now using the cables ties. Pull the cables gently towards the top of the barrel. Away from the nozzle. Connect the lower heat band (orange) to the lower Thermocouple. Placing one at the bottom, and one near the top.
With the blue cables do the same. Connecting the Thermocouple and powerleads together.
Step 27
Finally, add the rear cover using the 4x M4 8mm Bolts. Ensuring no cables are pinched in the process.